The aim of the career portal is to help football players make their next career choice. Obviously, as a player, it makes sense to think about this already during your active career. But even if you have already quit and don’t feel that you have made a choice that suits you perfectly after football, you can go for a second chance through the portal.
In the portal, you will find an impressive number of tests, questionnaires and exercises. These have been carefully selected and have already proven their value in practice. The aim is to help you determine your ambitions, discover what your strengths are and which profession or field of work would be ideal for you.
Of course, you will not do all this on your own. You will be guided and encouraged in this. This is done by a career coach. He or she can help you. The VVCS enabled Arjan Ebbinge to take a post HBO career coach course. He passed his exam in mid-June 2016 and can officially call himself the first VVCS career coach.
He has enthusiastically set to work and already has several successful coaching projects to his name. Together with him, you draw up an individual action plan, in the implementation of which he guides you practically and mentally.
The digital career portal was built under the banner of the CLA Foundation. In this Foundation, we cooperate with the clubs’ organisation.
If you are interested, please contact Arjan Ebbinge. You can do so via the VVCS office (023-5546930) or directly (06 – 42298097) or
Directly to Loopbaanportaal